Karen Colclough of Wilson, Wyoming, died while on a church mission trip in Nicaragua on April 12, 2014. She was 37 years of age.

Raised in Lynnfield, she was the daughter of Douglas E. Colclough and Janet (Russell) Colclough, and the sister of Michael Colclough.  Karen was an honors graduate of Lynnfield High School, and an honors graduate of the University of New Hampshire.

Karen was an honors graduate of Lynnfield High School, and an honors graduate of the University of New Hampshire. While at UNH, she earned degrees in Environmental Conservation and Outdoor Education.  Karen was always ready to help people. While in college, she spent her school breaks with Alternative Break Challenge, volunteering in the inner cities.

Before moving to Jackson, Wyoming area 11 years ago, Karen worked for River Odysseys West where she guided tours to the Upper Missouri River in Montana. She loved to teach in the outdoor setting. Karen attended the Teton Science School and became a teacher of adaptive skiing for disabled people, as well as serving as a member of the Ski Patrol at Snow King Mountain since 1/1/2000. Shortly after joining the volunteer group, Karen’s excellent attitude, medical expertise, and team spirit, were recognized by the resort management and she was hired on with the paid staff. Even after this, Karen continued to volunteer her time as a patroller, and an educator, attaining instructor status in Outdoor Emergency Care and Avalanche training. Her contagious smile and outstanding bran muffins were the highlight of many early mornings on the mountain. Snow King Mountain is honoring Karen by naming a run after her.

Karen was a compassionate and caring person. Until last summer, she served with Community Entry Services, a state program to assist people with special needs. Most recently Karen had become involved with the Wolf Team Research Program, where she located, tracked, and tagged wolves in the wild.

Karen was an active member of the Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole in Wyoming where she served as a Deacon. When she was living in Lynnfield she had also been active in the youth groups at the Centre Congregational Church in Lynnfield. She had been on a church mission trip to Guatemala three years ago, and she was on a church mission trip in Nicaragua when she died.

The catch phrase “Live Like Karen”, was created by her friends and family, to honor her angelic personality and life style. There is a Facebook page that displays people from all over the world holding one of her stickers. Her influence was definitely global in scope. She will truly be missed.