The Senior OEC evaluation traditionally happens once a year on the last weekend in February or the second week of March.  It alternates between being hosted by the Northern Region and the Southern Region. We want to give a big thank you to Kelly Canyon for hosting the 2024 Senior OEC evaluation! Beaver Mountain will be hosting the 2025 evaluation on March 8, 2025.

The Senior OEC evaluation day has a limited capacity; allocation of evaluation slots is first come, first served.  Because other patrollers will likely be precluded from participating, the registration fee to be evaluated at a Senior OEC is not refundable.  If you say you are coming, we want you to have skin in the game.

There are several steps to the Senior process - you can't just sign up for this event without completing the pre-requisites due on February 8th, 2025, Follow this link to get yourself into the pipeline for this year.

More Details and Registration